Future Income Risk
The main reason for going to college should be to get a better, higher paying job once you finish compared to one you would be able to get without graduating from college. This has turned into sort of a gamble with how expensive college has become, as failing in college will leave you much worse off than if you had not gone, and it will also take many years working a higher paying job just to pay back the expenses incurred from college. In the end, however, succeeding in college can play a major role in earning more money in the future. Although I am attending college to learn skills that would be helpful for a future job I would enjoy, when choosing my major the types of jobs I could get out of college were not one of the main factors contributing to this decision. Instead I thought about what kind of subjects I enjoyed most. I have enjoyed math all my life and love to analyze and problem-solve, and Economics became my choice as it entails a lot of these thing...