
Showing posts from December, 2017

Final Blog Post

Thinking about the way attendance was governed I believe it did have an impact on my attendance rate.  I feel I definitely had more will to show up to class when the bonus points were in effect at the beginning of the year as the five points were worth showing up to class and completing a quick survey afterwards, especially as these are things I should be doing already.  Even though the points stopped halfway through the year I feel I showed up to more classes than I would have because of the earlier bonus points.  I had gone to enough classes and had been interested enough to want to continue going to them, but even if I hadn't been interested I think I still would have gone to more classes after the points were discontinued as I had built a relationship with a class and felt somewhat obligated to continue showing up for most sessions.  This also makes me think about risk aversion.  We talked about people choosing between two options, either being assured $10...

Principal-Agent Triangle

Growing up as a kid baseball was my favorite sport.  Up until I was 10 years old I would play in a league in the park right across the street from my house and my father was the coach of my team every year.  After that I would play at larger parks and with different coaches, but my dad really enjoys watching me play and would show up to every game and be very involved.  He would continue to coach me, give me tips, and offer to help out the head coaches in any way they needed.  Once I started having coaches that were not my father, I would have a problem similar to the principal-agent triangle.  My coaches would try and coach me one way, but if I was struggling my dad would give me tips and try to coach me in his own way, which usually differed.  A lot of times in these situations it would be impossible to please both my coach and my father as they would have conflicting tips.  It would be impossible to take the advice of one and put it into practice ...